
Validation and Enrichment

Harnessing Insights from Raw Data

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Data-driven decision-making is increasing in importance for data and analytics professionals.


say data-driven decision-making is the top goal for their data programs.1


believe data will be more important to their organization in 12 months’ time than it is now.2



who struggle to trust their data say data quality is their biggest challenge.3


rank data quality as the top priority for improving data integrity.4


say data quality/consistency are the top barriers to becoming more data-driven.5

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But data quality is a major roadblock to organizations becoming data-driven. It reduces trust in the data used for decision-making and challenges data program success.


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Data validation is critical to tackling these data quality challenges.

“Digital business requires accurate data … The validation process becomes crucial to achieve data quality goals, especially for party data such as customer, vendor and citizen.”

– Gartner 6



of data buyers are using location data today, whether they source it internally or externally.7


of enterprises are using more location data than they did just 1-3 years ago.8


of SaaS buyers would be willing to pay more for applications that include location and/or geospatial capability.9

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Location data can be a key factor in gaining a competitive edge, but it needs to be accurate for businesses to truly realize business value.


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Enriched data supports location-based processes and data quality, and is an enabler of data-driven decision-making.

“Critical business initiatives such as know your customer (KYC) require not only correct, but also comprehensive and enriched information about your customers.”

– Gartner 10


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We have access to more data than ever – which means you need to go the extra mile to ensure that the data you rely on for downstream operations and analytics is accurate, complete, and fit for purpose.

Find out how data validation and enrichment fuel the confident decision-making that you need for success.
