
The following is a high-level description of the Data Governance Service (the “Service”)—part of the Precisely Data Integrity Suite.


The Data Governance Service is designed to deliver a framework to find, understand, trust, and leverage critical data across an organization for improved outcomes, insights, operations, and regulatory compliance.

This Service includes a flexible metamodel and graphical interface to increase adoption and adapt to diverse use cases.

The Service is interoperable with other Data Integrity Suite service modules, as well as a Customer’s existing technology ecosystem to aid in improving data integrity. Machine learning intelligence, automated technical metadata harvesting, and AI techniques for semantic classification, tagging, and relationships can help improve productivity.

The Service will generally be limited by the number of Content Contributor Users—defined as Users that can (a) create and edit assets, workflow configuration, dashboards, and relationships, and (b) resolve workflow items.

In the Service, an “Asset” is a physical record within a table and consists of items stored in the following classes of items within the Service: Business Asset, Technical, Diagram Asset, Models, Policies, Rules and Reference Asset. The maximum Assets during the Term of any Order is 8 million.

Unless otherwise agreed in an Order, JDBC harvesters for Assets only (no lineage) are included for the following databases: DB2, Hive, MariaDB/MySQL, Oracle, Postgres, RedShift, Snowflake, SQL Server (on-premises and Cloud), Sybase (ASE), Teradata, and Hana. Customer is responsible for providing the JDBC driver.