World Postcode and Administrative Boundaries

World Postcode and Administrative Boundaries provides comprehensive coverage of global administrative and postcode boundaries. Six administrative levels provide multiple layers for analysis specific to each country, such as township or city boundaries. Administrative hierarchy and alternate postal names are also included for the U.S. and Australia.

This dataset offers a single, global data package that aggregates worldwide postal and administrative boundaries into a single product, with separate administrative level files by geography and a consistent, single table structure format used for all countries to ensure ease of use.



  • Locate customers and analyze consumer expenditures


  • Define sales territories and track consumer expenditures

Site selection

  • Determine store catchments

Land use

  • Benchmark environmental impact


  • Contains vector polygons of administrative and postal boundaries for over 200 countries and territories
  • Aggregates worldwide postcode and administrative boundary data from multiple sources to make a complete, comprehensive file
  • Provides a single table structure format across geographies
  • Includes names, ISO codes, administrative codes, and hierarchy files


  • Provides consistent and seamless coverage within countries and across boundaries
  • Offers complete attribution including administrative and postcode labels
  • Links to population and demographic statistics to augment analysis
  • Incorporates regional data inputs for freshness and granularity
  • Provides individual boundary layers for easy display and flexibility in usage



Release schedule
Unit of sale
Global, Region

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