Precisely Expands Partnership with Vistar Media
Unlocking Location-Based Context for Highly Personalized Digital Outdoor Advertising Precisely PlaceIQ location-based audiences now available to Vistar Media’s advertising clients – powering...
Unlocking Location-Based Context for Highly Personalized Digital Outdoor Advertising Precisely PlaceIQ location-based audiences now available to Vistar Media’s advertising clients – powering...
… but the impact can vary depending on the location and surrounding events Taylor Swift concerts increased hotel visitation by up to 20% in mid-sized US cities, by bringing in thousands of...
Ramp-up visit rates for Big Box and Dollar Stores can be over twice as fast for locations that have opened in new markets versus ones in existing markets. For Precisely PlaceIQ, it is common for to...
The ramp up of store traffic for new Big Box and Dollar Stores was over twice as fast when first in the county. When it comes to navigating and understanding the strategy behind new store openings,...
A new store opening can have a major impact on visitation behaviors in the area, we looked at how quickly a newly opened store gained traffic, in relation to its distance from the closest location of...
In 2022, Black Friday spending increases across retail far surpassed visitation increases. When analyzing this major shopping holiday with data from PlaceIQ, we can see larger basket sizes, higher...
On average, Big Box and wholesale Warehouse Clubs see a 16% higher bump in spend during the core back-to-school period compared to apparel and clothing stores. With a post-pandemic prime shopping...
While the debate between remote, on-site, and hybrid work continues to bubble, visitation to offices is steadily tracking upwards. There’s been a lot of discussion these past few months about the...
Consumers seem to be pulling back on spending, but the return to pre-pandemic behaviors is generating bright spots of demand. One example is surging foot traffic and spending at clothing retailers...