
The Keys to a Performant Branch Network: Identifying Opportunity Based Sales Goals With Data

Each year financial institutions develop product and revenue sales targets across their branch network for the coming year. Given each branch has unique facility characteristics and market dynamics, it can be challenging for organizations to fairly allocate revenue targets across the branch network and explain differences in goals amongst branches. More importantly, are the goals asking the branch to do too much or are you not pushing hard enough to capture the branch’s fair share of potential? Additionally, how can you help the branch meet its expectation?

Trade area demographic, product demand, and competitor summaries provide an understanding of each branch’s market, but a highly targeted digital campaign can boost the entire organization’s ability to achieve its sales targets.

View this on-demand webinar to learn:

  • Goal setting methods and why using an opportunity-based market planning approach can help you identify untapped opportunity
  • The differences in goals for each branch
  • How to build a digital marketing campaign to help the branch/organization acquire new customers and cross-sell to existing customers
The Keys to a Performant Branch Network: Identifying and Meeting Opportunity-Based Sales Goals With Data-Driven Analytics

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