Overcoming Business Challenges With Automation of SAP® Processes
Businesses face multiple challenges in today’s dynamic business environment. The ability to adapt to sudden changes in the economy, meet the demands of well-informed customers and compete against highly agile competitors all drive the need for new ways of doing business. But the explosion of data, legacy systems that struggle to manage it and processes that were developed decades ago all threaten businesses’ ability to not just survive but thrive in a modern, digitized world.
The key to meeting these challenges is through the use of effective, flexible and agile automation platforms. This is doubly important for businesses that run on SAP® ERP systems. For many companies SAP® has become both a blessing and a curse. It effectively manages massive amounts of data but often relies on error-prone, manual data entry processes and data that’s managed externally in spreadsheets.
In this session, we will discuss how these obstacles can be overcome through effective SAP® process automation. We will discuss what’s driving the need for automation today and how companies are adopting both desktop and process automation platforms to solve previously intractable, expensive and time-consuming SAP® processes. You’ll discover how multiple companies are using automation to achieve stellar business results and thrive even in the face of sudden market changes and complex business environments.