
Make an Impact: How Self-Service Portals Can Transform Your Organization

Make self-service portals your next go-to solution with Precisely Automate and unlock new opportunities for you and your team.

What are self-service portals? They are secure websites that your Customers, Vendors or other Business stakeholders can easily access to exchange information and participate in your enterprise SAP® workflows, such as onboarding and order processing. As a result, this allows you and your team to reduce time with digitized processes, improve collaboration and responses with business partners, increase visibility for all stakeholders, and much more.

Precisely Automate self-service portals expert, Jayasri Varyani, Senior Sales Engineer, for an engaging session and live demo. You’ll come away with helpful tips and information on how to:

  • Review features, design, and set up to deploy portals for internal and external collaboration using a low-code/no-code portals framework.
  • Include an external user in your SAP data workflow and how to provide a secure interface for Suppliers/Vendors to manage and request modifications to their own SAP data.
  • Recognize and make full use of the benefits that Evolve Portals can have across your organization

Make sure to view on-demand to see how you can make an impact on your organization by easily creating and deploying self-service portals for internal and external stakeholders to improve your SAP data management while maintaining data security, visibility, and compliance.

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