
Embracing Innovation in Consumer Analytics to Transform the Customer Journey

Reductions in revenues’, ‘impending recessions’, ‘high-street lockdown’ – today’s news continues to provide a darkened outlook for retailers. However, as often is the case in the retail environment, there are opportunities ahead for those who embrace innovation in these challenging times.

View this on-demand interactive virtual panel for a lively discussion on the following topics:

  • How harnessing Big Data can help you better understand who your customers and prospects truly are – including their preferences, intent signals and key demographics
  • How mobile trace data could be transforming your insights around the movement of purchasing power, by time of day and day of week – whether you have customer data or not
  • Insights on the core technological competencies being adopted by retailers who are capturing market share in this challenging environment – and why data integrity holds the key
Embracing Innovation in Consumer Analytics to Transform the Customer Journey

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