
Connecting Global Boundaries and Demographics

Postcode and administrative boundaries define where we live, work, and spend our time. They inform applications that tell us what weather to expect today, the local taxes a property owner must pay, and which country a territory belongs to.

These boundaries are found throughout the world, but each country has their own hierarchy and categorization of different boundary levels. Precisely’s boundary data experts know how to navigate these international complexities to produce globally consistent datasets. We simplify global administrative boundaries, enabling more streamlined and consistent worldwide analytics. With unique identifiers that link to global demographic data, gaining a complete understanding of people and places has never been easier.

View this on-demand webinar to explore how global boundaries relate to one another, how global boundary and demographic data can be combined for unique insights, and how organizations are commonly leveraging worldwide boundary data.

During this webinar you will learn how to:

  • Differentiate between global boundary hierarchies and when to use specific levels
  • Connect global boundary and demographic data for consistent analytic insight worldwide
  • Apply boundaries and demographics together in popular use cases
Connecting Global Boundaries and Demographics

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