Automate 2024 - Segment 1: Automation, Data Integrity and Digital Transformation
Session 1: The role of automation in improving data integrity
The need for our companies to achieve data integrity has never been greater than it is today. High-quality data means better analytics, accurate reporting, improved forecasting, and reliable results of artificial intelligence inquiries. Traditionally, we have achieved better data through a combination of digital transformation efforts, data governance, stewardship, supplemental data used to enrich and complete existing data, and systems like data catalogs and master data management to help standardize data across multiple systems. This application of disparate systems, technologies, and techniques has helped improve data integrity; however, it has also increased the complexity of our IT environments, imposed restrictive conditions on our data processes, and potentially decreased our ability to respond quickly to abrupt disruptions in the market. It doesn’t have to be this way.
In this session, we will examine the end-to-end data journey and how companies achieve data integrity today using modern, cloud-based tools, as well as the increasingly important role that business process automation plays in this process. Specifically, we will talk about the combined benefits of adopting the Precisely Data Integrity Suite and Precisely Automate to achieve the level of data integrity you need in today’s increasingly AI-driven business world.
Session 2: How Precisely delivers benefits across your SAP ERP landscape
For over twenty years, Precisely Automate Solutions have been helping companies improve their initial data quality and process governance in SAP ERP activities. While our customers have improved agility, speed, and data quality in SAP processes, the broader Precisely portfolio of data integrity solutions can further benefit many aspects of your SAP ERP system and SAP-centric processes.
In this session, we will examine the benefits of adopting Precisely solutions beyond Automate to help significantly improve overall data integrity, enabling your ability to fully utilize your SAP data for reporting, analytics, and artificial intelligence. Specifically, we will review Strategic Services, data integration, integrity, and enrichment offerings from Precisely that you can apply to the data you generate or consume in your SAP ERP processes.
Session 3: Improve your enterprise business processes with Precisely Strategic Services
There is a famous Justin Trudeau quote that says, “The pace of change has never been this fast, but it will never be this slow again.” This nearly perfectly sums up the challenges companies face in today’s fast-paced business environment. The question is: Who can you partner with to get ahead of the curve and adopt the right IT and data strategy to keep up in this dynamic world?
In this session we will talk about how Precisely’s Strategic Services can help you identify the best route forward to leverage technology to achieve a leadership position. With decades of experience, we can help you better understand your current status, the opportunities you have and identify a strategy to help you achieve your business goals.