Solution Sheet
Assure Elevated Authority Manager
Easy, Complete Control of Elevated IBM i User Authorities
Having too many powerful user profiles leaves the security of your IBM i system and data exposed. In fact, security and compliance auditors prefer that IBM i users be given only the authorities required to perform their jobs, and that they be granted additional authority only when needed and only for
the time required.
Assure Elevated Authority Manager, enables you to reduce the number of powerful IBM i user profiles in your environment by allowing you to easily elevate the authority of user profiles on an as-needed basis. Elevated authority can be granted by an administrator upon request or automatically based on preconfigured rules, and it can be limited to a specific command, day, time, IP address or other parameters.
Assure Elevated Authority Manager also enables comprehensive monitoring and reporting on elevated profiles. A graphical dashboard shows the users who are elevated, how long they’ve been elevated and more. The activities of elevated profiles are also exhaustively logged using multiple sources to create a full audit trail.
Assure Elevated Authority Manager gives you complete control of IBM i user authorities to help your company meet the most stringent regulatory requirements mandated by SOX, PCI-DSS, HIPAA, GDPR and more.
Read this solution sheet to learn more.