Syncsort™ MFX

Increase the efficiency of your mainframe with cutting-edge sort, copy and join, while offloading workloads to IBM zIIP engines to slash CPU costs

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Syncsort™ MFX

Syncsort™ MFX offers high-performance sort, copy and join, and other sort optimization features designed to work with the z/OS operating system and IBM mainframes. After more than 45 years of continual development and taking advantage of the latest IBM z Systems architectures, SyncsortTM MFX can dramatically reduce the billable time of sort jobs while also significantly reducing elapsed time.

Our sorting solution makes it easy to prioritize between elapsed time and CPU time focus, depending on what’s most important to you. Data functions, including field-type comparisons and parsed field identification, along with 64-bit addressing, allow developers to achieve more in less time, increasing productivity and saving even more money.

Customer Story – Underutilizing zIIP Engines was costing this global bank serious MIPS & money

Syncsort™ ZPSaver

Syncsort™ ZPSaver can reduce costs for your company by offloading sort, copy and SMS compression from primary CPUs to IBM z Integrated Information Processors (zIIP).  This can help you significantly lower CPU utilization resulting in lower software licensing costs.

By freeing up primary CPU for other workloads, you can get more work done with the same computing resources. Lower costs can also come with lower risks: Syncsort™ ZPSaver’s capabilities can allow you to more easily meet SLAs and batch window requirements.

As a licensable feature of Syncsort™ MFX, Syncsort ZPSaver requires no changes to Syncsort™ MFX and it works transparently with your current JCL and control statements to offload copy, compression, and sort to zIIP processors whenever possible. Syncsort™ ZPSaver also provides informational messages when engaged zIIP processors force work to be processed on a regular CPU.

Customer Story – Telecommunication Firm Delays CPU Upgrade via Sort Offload to zIIP with Syncsort™ ZPSaver

Syncsort™ PipeSort

Syncsort™ PipeSort is a key component of the Syncsort™ MFX Suite and offers the fastest way of sorting the same file many times with different key sequences. It can simultaneously execute up to eight differently sequenced sorts from a single pass, without having to enter data multiple times. Using cutting-edge parallel sorting technology, Syncsort™ PipeSort can cut the total elapsed time by more than 50% compared to running separate sorts, while also significantly reducing the I/O overhead.

As a licensable feature of Syncsort™ MFX, Syncsort™ PipeSort is the perfect utility for helping customers to meet batch windows’ constraints with especially large files and multiple sort key sequences.  It can be a powerful solution to help save time, computing resources and mainframe costs.

Customer Story – Financial Services Firm Saves Millions via Sort Offload to zIIP With Precisely Technology


Optimize sorting
Syncsort™ MFX delivers industry-leading sort performance
Reduce CPU usage
Offload up to 90% of Copy, SMS Compression, Sort CPU cycles to zIIP
Save money
Reduce billable time of sort jobs on the primary CPU by 30-40%
Complete jobs faster
Elapsed time for sort jobs can be improved by 20-40%

Want to learn more?

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White Paper

Getting the Most Out of Your Mainframe

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Maximizing the Value of IBM’s New IBM Z Pricing Model


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Syncsort™ MFX

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