Syncsort™ Optimize IMS

Provides low-risk, efficient migration tools for businesses switching from IMS to Db2.

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Eliminate risks when migrating

Syncsort™ Optimize IMS provides rapid and efficient migration between IMS and Db2, without the traditional risks and costs associated with rewriting applications to support Db2. Syncsort™ Optimize IMS works with your existing software so your applications can remain unchanged.

There’s no code to understand and update as SyncsortTM Optimize IMS makes it possible to move to Db2 as quickly and efficiently as possible, with no disruption to your core business. Once your data is migrated to Db2, your applications can run using Syncsort™ Optimize IMS’s transparency layer, or databases can be updated individually over time to run natively with Db2.

Increased access to critical information

It’s easy for existing data to get ‘locked away’ in IMS, which is why migrating to Db2 is often favored. You’ll be able to make your data securely available across your entire enterprise, increasing productivity as all your critical data is consolidated into the Db2 platform. The transition allows organizations to obtain access to data previously “locked away” in IMS, so you can combine this data with other critical sources and perform valuable analytics, generate reports, and execute other critical IT initiatives.

Along with the ability to access critical data, the migration to Db2 might also reduce costs, by eliminating IMS charges.

Rapid delivery

Syncsort™ Optimize IMS’s powerful mapping and migration tools get you to Db2 quickly, moving one or more IMS databases at a time.  Since Syncsort™ Optimize IMS allows you to migrate data to Db2 without making any changes to existing applications, there is no code to understand and update.  This low-impact approach means less effort for IT and a faster delivery of IMS-to-Db2 migration solution.

Consolidating critical data into the Db2 reduces overall maintenance costs and increases IT staff productivity. The combination of Optimize IMS and the right services when and where you need them ensure a successful migration and a rapid return on investment.

Transparent migration

Using Syncsort™ Optimize IMS to migrate to Db2, applications continue to issue IMS requests as before, but where requested data has been migrated to Db2, Syncsort™ Optimize IMS retrieves it from Db2 and delivers it back to the application as if it came from IMS.

Throughout the migration process, Precisely consultants can provide a range of services, including up-front data analysis, target design, data re-engineering, data migration, and testing assistance. Syncsort™ Optimize IMS includes support for Db2 extended object names, an exit API to simplify mapping and migration, and can work with cloned or partitioned databases.


Minimize risk
Overcome the key business challenges of data migration while minimizing risks
Reduce cost
Reduce the overall cost of application maintenance and avoid business disruption
No changes
Requires no application changes, providing a smarter approach to IMS-to-Db2 data migration
Improve productivity
Increase IT staff productivity by consolidating all critical data to the Db2 platform

Want to learn more?

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Solution Sheet

Syncsort™ Optimize IMS

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Customer Story

Global Manufacturing Company Improves Support of IMS

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Customer Story

State Agency Makes the Big IMS-to-Db2 Move


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Syncsort™ Optimize IMS

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