PostPoint Professional
PostPoint Professional provides full postcode coverage and British National Grid references. The datasets are accurate to within one meter of a property near the centre of the postcode, and include an indicator of each point’s precision.

- PostPoint Professional contains all geographically referenced postcodes in the United Kingdom
- Provides a National Grid reference to a resolution of one meter for each unit postcode in the UK
Great Britain data includes:
- Full postcodes
- An indicator of the precision of each point
- The number of addressed buildings
- ONS administrative and NHS Health Authority codes
- The number of domestic, non-domestic and post box delivery points
Northern Ireland data includes:
- Full postcodes
- An indicator of the precision of each point
- The number of addressed buildings
- ONS administrative and NHS health authority codes
- An additional table containing the Northern Ireland data in Irish Transverse Mercator Grid projection
United Kingdom
Release schedule
Unit of sale