Daytime Population
Daytime Population provides estimates of the number of people who are likely to be within a designated area during normal business hours. The estimates are based on compiled business data that includes the number of employees who work at each business location within a given dissemination area. These statistics are aggregated to estimate the number of daytime employees in each area.
Daytime employees are then added to the at-home residential population, including those who are retired, in school, or not in the labor force, to arrive at a total daytime population.
- Measure the shift in population to know the expected influx of people during the day, which will correlate with average daily traffic
- Identify the number of retired persons, unemployed, and school-aged children in a specific area
- Incorporate into logistical models to measure expected traffic
- Compare the variables for both population and employees to easily understand the daily influx of customers
- Calculate unemployment levels at a high resolution
- Target marketing campaigns to seniors or school-aged children
Includes variables for:
- Estimated daytime population
- Estimated daytime employees
- Estimated daytime at home persons
- Estimated daytime at home persons 0-14 yrs
- Estimated daytime at home persons 15-64 yrs
- Estimated daytime at home persons 65+ yrs