LATAInfo is a map database of Local Access Transport Areas (LATAs) across the United States. LATAs are geographic regions unique to the telecommunications industry that are used to determine whether a telephone call is carried by a local exchange carrier or by a long distance provider.

In general, each LATA contains a single major metropolitan area. All telephone calls within a specific LATA are routed by Local Exchange Carriers (LECs). Calls between two parties in different LATAs must, by law, be transported by a long-distance carrier.

LATAInfo - Comprehensive U.S. LATA map database from Precisely


  • Easily differentiate calls carried by a Local Exchange Carrier (LEC) from those carried by a long-distance provider
  • Identify the best markets for growth in local telecommunications traffic
  • Make more informed decisions
  • Control costs
  • Identify marketing opportunities


  • LATAInfo converts information on the nation’s local access and long-distance markets that was previously available only in tabular format, into a concise, easy-to-use map
  • The LATAInfo database has the following scale, coordinates, and projection:
    Scale 1:24,000
    Coordinates Latitude/Longitude
    Projection NAD 83



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