
Hospitals delineates the boundaries of general care hospitals with 24-hour emergency services and specialty hospital types (VA and cancer centers) located in the United States.

All hospital boundaries are individually sourced and built to specifications that capture the primary hospital campus, including the main hospital building as well as patient and visitor parking. Where appropriate, satellite facilities, such as long-term residential care, clinics, and administration buildings are also identified.


  • Real estate decisions - Homebuyers and businesses seek communities with convenient proximity to healthy lifestyle opportunities and easy access to medical care facilities. Proximity to a hospital can be a key selling point
  • Emergency response - Process information and manage logistics during emergencies. Support the dissemination of information to responders during an emergency event
  • Disaster planning - Model and forecast disaster events, developing the knowledge and support mechanisms for early warning, mitigation, and response planning
  • Direct marketing - Geofences around hospitals enable precision targeting and notification messaging, leading to increased customer engagement and sales conversions


  • Provides data and attributes for more than 6,000 acute, specialty, and emergency care hospitals and medical centers in the U.S., and over 600 emergency hospitals in Canada
  • Change table details adds/deletes/changes from last release
  • Quarterly updates detail where changes and coverage expansion have occurred


  • Attributes include hospital contact information, physical address, phone number, and URL
  • Hospital classification codes indicate hospital types (rehabilitation, emergency, and veterans hospitals)
  • Entry point coordinates indicate main and emergency entrances to hospital campuses



United States, Canada
Release schedule
Unit of sale

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