Flood Risk

Flood Risk provides the most current flood mapping data from the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA). In addition to flood zone information, the product includes a database of community participation status in the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP), elevation profiles, and proximity measurements to varying levels of flood risk.

This dataset is also available via Data Graph API, which helps you access, enrich, and discover data like never before!



  • Determine the flood zone, community participation status, and LOMR information for any property in the U.S.
  • Assess flood risk exposure and accurately calculate premiums with respect to a distribution policyholders
  • Determine flood zone elevation and whether or not a property qualifies for the National Flood Insurance Program (NFIP)
  • Augment edge case risk assessments by understanding a property’s distance to 100 year and special hazard flood zones
  • Identify the nearest water body to a particular property and view the elevation profile between the property location and the water body


  • Digital flood insurance rate maps (DFIRM)
  • Flood insurance rate maps (FIRM)
  • Flood hazard boundary maps (FHBM)
  • Major letter of map revisions (LOMR) data
  • FEMA flood insurance risk zones
  • National flood insurance program (NFIP)
  • Community participation maps


  • National coverage of the DFIRM (Digital Flood Insurance Rate Maps) and other georeferenced FEMA information
  • National coverage of community participation status in the NFIP
  • Geo-enrichment file which appends all flood risk information to every affected address location using a unique identifier, as well as proximity measurements for added insight at the address level




United States
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