CallingAreaInfo represents the local calling plans available to business and residential customers when calling from or into a given location. Calling plans determine which phone numbers can call each other with respect to a specific plan and corresponding rates.
CallingAreaInfo also lists the number plan areas (NPAs) and the first three digits of the phone number after the area code (NXXs) and associated rates. Most local exchange carriers offer more than one calling plan for each NPA/NXX combination they serve.
Advanced data and geographic visualization capabilities make it easy to identify, analyze, and understand local calling plans and rate structures for specific geographic regions.
- Map and visualize local calling area information to better understand networks
- Perform an analysis starting with NPA/NXX, rate center, or exchange name
- Access calling plan data directly
- Assess overall coverage for more effective network planning and marketing programs
- Quickly resolve calling plan-related billing inquiries
- Exchange regions
- Carrier information
- Local call plan information
- NPA/NXX details
- Outbound calls – Examine the local calling plan for an outbound call’s origin
- Inbound calls – Identify and map the exchanges that include a specific location in their calling plans