Auto Dealers

The Auto Dealers dataset delineates the geographic boundaries of the physical extent of automotive dealerships and depicts the primary building footprint(s). Auto dealer boundaries include developed dealership areas where vehicles and sales/service areas are located as well as their overflow lots. The product also includes a building footprint, which depicts the most significant building for each lot.

The Auto Dealers product is built using multiple sources and covers both franchise (new car) and independent (used car) dealerships. We continually review these sources to maintain and update the dataset’s currency and representation.


  • Target customers where they are, on their terms, through geo-advertising
  • Use a geofence boundary and better understand how many customers are onsite at the auto deal lot or in the building


  • Provides polygons for over 44,500 franchise and independent auto dealers across the United States


  • Includes attributes such as dealership name, address, type (franchise vs independent), brands sold and serviced by a dealership, and more
  • Quarterly updates detail where changes and coverage expansion have occurred, with a change table detailing adds/deletes/changes from last release



United States
Release schedule
Unit of sale

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