Precisely Customers Bring SAP Success Stories to Automate User Group

HP Hood, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Loparex, Pactiv Evergreen, South Florida Water Management District, and Refresco share efficiencies and insights gained with Precisely
Precisely hosted events during SAP Sapphire week in Orlando, FL – including an Automate User Group meeting, or “Inspiration Day.”
These quarterly events bring Precisely Automate customers together to share knowledge, insights, and real-world results. Attendees explored how to further optimize their use of Precisely Automate products through customer-led presentations, demos from Precisely engineers, and open Q&A discussions.
Throughout the day, we were able to capture great insights from Precisely customers HP Hood, Johnson & Johnson Vision, Loparex, Pactiv Evergreen, South Florida Water Management District, and Refresco Beverages, on how they leverage Precisely Automate across their respective businesses.
Get inspired and learn more about how your business can benefit from automation with the video recaps below.
James Starbuck, Director, Enterprise Data Management, at HP Hood, shares how moving from legacy platforms to Automate Evolve improved the efficiency of new customer profile creation. A workflow that used to take a full week is now complete in less than a day.
Tina Stewart, Financial Compliance Analyst, Tijuanna Davis, Business Process Expert Specialist, and Durga Sharma, Technology Operations Manager at Johnson & Johnson Vision share how Precisely Automate has reduced processing time from weeks to days across their finance, business process, and technology operations teams.
Jason King, Global Master Data Specialist at Loparex explains that Precisely Automate was chosen as the solution for their team primarily due to its seamless integration with SAP. Since implementation, Loparex has been able to reduce time spent on manual entry from eight to twelve hours down to a matter of minutes, resulting in time and cost savings along with improved change management across its global teams.
Lora Myroup, Director, IT Supply Chain and Procurement at Pactiv Evergreen, shares how internal teams went from arduous, manual processes that previously took up to a month to complete, to automated processes that reduce this time to just one day – all by leveraging Precisely Automate.
Richard Sands, SAP Section Administration at South Florida Water Management District (SFWMD) explains how Precisely Automate is leveraged daily in the organization. Teams use the solution to streamline employee onboarding, and the time-consuming management of civil engineering structures across 16 counties each year – which requires daily maintenance through SAP Plant Maintenance. With Precisely Automate, SFWMD has reduced the time to manage this platform from three months to three or four days.
Jim Cullen, Sr. Manager SAP Master Data at Refresco, shares how the company’s workflows and data management processes were transformed using Precisely Automate, driving productivity across business operations. By centralizing data, Refresco improved data quality and introduced efficient, streamlined processes for setting up and maintaining master data elements. The customer pricing area was also improved thanks to a now-automated audit trail which reduced the time required to track down lost requests.
If you want to learn more about the benefits your peers are experiencing using Precisely’s industry-leading SAP ERP automation and data management platforms, read our eBook Insights From SAP® Master Data Professionals.
Your data is meant to be loved! Get ready to embrace automation for faster processes and trusted data.