How Local Governments Improve Service Delivery with a Single Citizen View

Finding cost-effective ways to deliver benefits and support constituents is key to establishing a thriving government. There are many ways in which local governments can bring value to their communities. But what constitutes value? Ultimately, it depends on who is being asked.
Understanding what matters most to your citizens will put you in a better position to deliver the most value to them. Eventually, satisfying constituents will translate into broader support from your local community, a willingness to contribute to the common good, and a vote of confidence in the next election cycle.
When governments are unaware of the concerns of their constituents, in contrast, it creates the opposite effect. We see a steady stream of stories about public officials expending taxpayer public funds. Public servants want to ensure that the taxpayer dollars are being put in the right places to make the most impact.
Local governments have a special advantage in this respect: they typically have a closer connection to their residents compared to the larger state and federal agencies. Moreover, they are uniquely positioned to positively impact people’s lives, simply because they’re closer to the point of direct need.
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How Local Governments Can Improve Service Delivery and Optimize Resources with a Single Citizen View.
Learn more about how empowering government agencies with solutions that enable a single citizen view (SCV), can confidently drive decisions that add value, trust, and constituent support.
How can they provide outstanding services to their citizens? The answer lies in gaining a 360° view of their constituents. True excellence in local government requires a data-driven perspective. That’s the key to digital transformation.
First, Identify What Matters Most
Businesses deploy CRM technology and advanced data analytics to ensure that they’re serving their customers well, eliminating common causes of frustration, and identifying the things that matter most. This is the essence of many of the digital transformation initiatives we see unfolding in both the private and public sectors.
When members of the community interact with government officials, they may need to speak to several different people to get their questions answered. That means explaining their problem more than once or answering the same series of questions several times over, which negatively affects the customer experience. Public sector can address this problem by using software technology to document each service request and make the handoff process smoother and easier.
Local government entities must be prepared to ask what their constituents need, develop plans to address those concerns, and deploy solutions to mitigate their constituents’ problems.
Personalize the Citizen Experience
Government can take this process to a deeper level by personalizing the citizen experience. Let’s consider a few examples of how this might play out in the real world.
Imagine that you’re looking at ways to serve the elderly members of your community better. You will learn that many senior citizens have trouble getting to the store and would benefit from a shuttle bus service that could take them to the local shopping center once or twice a week. By mapping your local population of people 65 and older, you can identify the transportation routes that would serve the widest possible range of senior citizens, while still operating at a reasonable cost.
That calls for a data-driven approach in which population density and demographics can be overlaid on a map showing roads, traffic, and retail amenities.
Consider another example: Your local council wants to build a skate park for children and teenagers. You’re sending out a notice to community members letting them know about the grand opening and advertising a “safe skateboarding” class to be held in the coming month. It makes little sense to spend public money advertising the event to home-bound seniors or single professionals. Just as a smart business builds its marketing plan around targeted messages, local governments can tailor their communications so they’re delivering the right messages to the right people in their communities.
A Data-Driven Approach to Constituent Service
Both of these examples share a common theme; they rely on thorough, accurate data about the citizens who live in the area.
For local governments to make sense of the data they have about their citizenry, they need to proactively foster accuracy and consistency for a holistic view of their constituents. Local officials must understand their communities from a multichannel perspective. That means communicating seamlessly and consistently, no matter who and where they are. The ability to provide the right information at the right time to facilitate a frictionless interaction – that’s the final goal.
This can be a challenge, especially when data is initially captured in different systems and in different formats. That leads to silos of information and a limited view of each citizen.
The most critical insights are hiding in your existing data. To gain a full 360-degree view of the people in their communities, local officials and councils must unlock that information by bringing data together into a single view. That means cleansing, standardizing, and validating data on a single platform and linking the information from various sources in ways that can deliver new insights.
In the past, to get this type of information local governments needed to work with costly external consultants. Such initiatives generally took a lot of time to implement, so the insights they generated would quickly become outdated.
By using a modern single view solution, any user can produce sophisticated models and gain insights in just hours instead of weeks. With the right tools, local government agencies can discover new patterns, visualize insights in real time, and confidently make decisions that drive value for their communities.
As the global leader in data integrity, Precisely is empowering government agencies with solutions that enable a single customer view (SCV), confidently driving decisions that add value, trust, and constituent support. To learn more, download our free white paper today,How Local Governments Can Improve Service Delivery and Optimize Resources with a Single Citizen View.