Best of 2021: Top 10 Customer Engagement Solutions Blog Posts

By connecting with customers when, where and how they desire, using personalized and data-driven insights, businesses are creating the game-changing experiences that customers demand. 2021 brought some informative Customer Engagement Solutions content and as the year comes to a close we would like to share our top 10 posts from our blog.
#10 Streamline Call Center Workflows with an Integrated Digital Self-Service Platform
Consumer expectations have evolved rapidly, as a streamlined omnichannel experience has become far more commonplace than it once was. Customers have clearly indicated a preference for multiple channels of communication. Specific channel preferences vary greatly among different age groups, at different times, and for different purposes. Most consumers prefer digital self-service as a primary option, but they want to be able to interact with a live person quickly and easily if they can’t find the answers they want right away. Read more >
#9 Creating an Omnichannel Customer Experience in the Telco Industry
Over the past decade, there has been a great deal of talk about the importance of an omnichannel experience. For many, that term is most familiar in the context of retail businesses that incorporate a mix of online and brick-and-mortar contact. But the concept of an omnichannel customer experience actually extends much further than that. It’s really about holistic customer engagement for any industry, including telecommunications. It’s about eliminating perceptions that your company’s systems are disjointed, outdated, or are not attuned to the needs of your customers. Read more >
#8 Use Video to Build a Customer-Centric Company
The video revolution is in full swing. Consumers have overwhelmingly expressed their preference for video over static website content and other digital media. Cisco estimates that by 2022, online videos will make up more than 82% of all consumer-driven internet traffic. That’s a 15x increase over 2017 numbers. Consumers are connected 24/7, and video provides the most engaging and intuitive customer experience for most consumers, so it’s no surprise that the numbers have taken off the way that they have. Read more >
#7 Ensure Consistent Omnichannel Customer Communication with the Right Tools
The stakes have never been higher. In today’s business environment, companies must deliver a consistent and personalized omnichannel communication experience for their customers. Innovators like Amazon and Netflix have raised the bar on customer expectations by delivering custom-tailored experiences built on a scalable platform. Digital technologies have made it possible to operationalize the concept of “mass customization” around the customer experience. Read more >
#6 Why You Need a Single Digital Communications Platform
In the 2020s, the battle for customer mindshare is being played out in the digital realm. Consumers have come to expect a consistent and highly personalized multichannel communications experience, as business leaders seek to engage their clients more deeply, leverage existing relationships to drive higher brand loyalty, and deliver a unified customer experience.
How can you drive superior digital engagements in the most streamlined and efficient way? It begins with a unified toolset, a digital communications platform. Customer experience tools are shifting toward a single, multichannel SaaS platform that allows businesses to reach their customers for true omnichannel engagement. In fact, in a recent survey of executives responsible for customer engagement at their companies, unified multichannel CX platforms were cited as the #2 investment priority for 2021, second only to data integration and data integrity. Read more >
Read our Report
Customer Experience in a Post-COVID-19 World
To learn more about delivering an outstanding customer experience for your audience, download the free Corinium Intelligence report.
#5 How the Insurance Industry is Changing the Dynamic of Customer Experience with Video
Insurance is one of the constants in consumer life. Consumers need insurance for cars, homes, property, health, and lives. But one of the things these important policies are often missing is a positive customer experience. Forrester Research says the customer experience health insurers provide ranks the lowest of any industry.
Industry disruptors know this, and they’ve responded over the last few years with new customer-centric insurance technologies designed to improve the customer experience. This has put more pressure on traditional insurance carriers, who now understand that the dynamic of the customer experience has shifted—and they must catch up. Read more >
#4 Want to Engage More Customers Post-COVID? Self-Service Is the Answer
When COVID arrived upon the scene in early 2020, consumers had already begun to shift toward online interactions, frequently preferring digital self-service applications over direct person-to-person communication. The pandemic has dramatically accelerated that digital customer engagement trend, as consumers have increasingly turned to email, text, web, social, chatbots, and video to communicate with the businesses from which they buy products and services. Read more >
#3 Reimagining CX for a Post COVID-19 World
In 2013, L’Oreal executives set an ambitious goal for the company: to shift 20% of the organization’s sales to online channels by 2020. The company was on target to achieve that goal when in March 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic arrived on the scene. Suddenly, L’Oreal needed to shift much further in the direction of online sales and fulfillment. Fortunately, the company had built a platform for digital transformation and customer engagement that enabled it to fast-track that effort successfully. Read more >
#2 Re-Imagining Customer Engagement for the Financial Services Industry
As the world looks hopefully toward positive changes in 2021, there can be little doubt that some of the events of 2020 will have lasting impact on society as a whole for years to come. One significant change last year came in the form of customer engagement.
Research sponsored by the CMO Council in association with Precisely revealed that 2020’s pandemic pushed consumers to engage with brands digitally much more than in previous years, with 21 percent of consumers choosing digital only as their ideal communication preference, up from just 10 percent in 2019. Read more >
#1 Customer Clarity: A New Wave in Customer Experience
Reflecting on the (r)evolution that’s underway with the EngageOne Suite from Precisely, this post explains the new wave of customer experience opportunities that are now possible. Without business jargon, I seek to describe past customer experience challenges that can be solved today in ways not previously possible by adding customer clarity to your communications. Read more >
To learn more about delivering an outstanding customer experience for your audience, download the free Corinium Intelligence report, Customer Experience in a Post-COVID-19 World.