Solution Sheet
Syncsort™ Optimize IDMS
Optimize your CA IDMS database. Top Computer Associates IDMS Performance Tools- Syncsort™ Optimize IDMS
CA IDMS™ has long been a major focus for developers of tools for improving database performance. There is now one place to go for the broadest portfolio of industry-leading tools for customizing CA IDMS to meet specific operational goals.
Many of the world’s largest CA IDMS installations have been using these tools for years, valuing the solid results in mainframe cost savings and improved performance.
These tools, all within Syncsort™ Optimize IDMS, make it much easier for CA IDMS operations staff and management to:
- Reorganize or restructure CA IDMS production databases even while keeping them online and available for update and retrieval. No need to wait for overnights or holidays and weekends. Because of its special importance to key IDMS users, Syncsort™ Optimize IDMS Reorg was developed in close cooperation with CA Technologies and continues to be updated with CA’s involvement.
- Operate as if they have multiple copies of a CA IDMS database while actually having only one underlying copy.
- Test ADS/O dialogs, IDMS-DC programs, and batch programs against production data without incurring the overhead of duplicating the entire production database.
- Have a private test database for each user or group of users.
- Share CA IDMS database files and buffer pools among CVs, Local Mode jobs, or any combination of CVs and Local Mode jobs running on separate LPARs or different physical machines. Support for CA IDMS data spaces and “above the bar” (64-bit) buffer pools included.
- Schedule overnight batch runs around backup requirements much more easily. Let any online or batch jobs continue to run across the quiesce point.
- Use efficient TRKs/CYLs/EXCP I/Os, and automatically detect sequential processing on both forward and backward direction.
For users of Db2, ask us about our industry-leading Db2 optimization solution Syncsort™ Optimize DB2.
To learn more read the full solution sheet.