White Paper

Implementing Goal-Driven Data Governance

As communications service providers (CSPs) navigate the telecom landscape, they must make crucial technology and business decisions. Today, these decisions reflect the realization that CSPs’ technology and business models are being fundamentally altered by the adoption of myriad innovative technologies, including cloud services.

On the technology side, the implementation of 5G mobile networks that utilize a cloud-native design is already a commercial reality. The impacts of the cloud and the shift to a disaggregated software service design are also profound in a business context. These shifts provide enterprise customers access to a programmable service environment that indelibly alters how these customers utilize and purchase services from CSPs.

To thrive in this evolving service environment, CSPs must look inward and evaluate how they manage vital network and service data that provides the framework for making informed business and technology decisions. Underpinning this decision process is the implementation of an effective goal-driven data governance strategy. CSPs need to have the ability to take diverse data types and distill them into a format that is directly applied to achieving specific network and business goals.  These goals include:

  • Minimizing risk and staying compliant with the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and protections like General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA).
  • Delivering more insightful analytics that enhances serviceability, 5G network buildouts, and more.
  • Achieving operational excellence through factors like reduced churn, greater subscriber retention, and lower operating expenses.

Read this white paper which focuses on the value proposition of adopting goal-driven data governance in the telecom industry and four keys to success along the way. It also covers “traps” and “tips” related to best practices that must be addressed during the execution phase.

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