Color Palette

Our primary color palette is made from our two Precisely Purples.
We have six secondary colors which we use for accents or highlights.

Precisely Purple

R.128 G.23 B.225

HEX. #8017e1

C.77 M.82 Y.0 K.0

PMS. 2089

Precisely Deep Purple

R.57 G.0 B.107

HEX. #39006B

C.85 M.100 Y.0 K.23

PMS. 2627


R.229 G.0 B.1265

HEX. #e5007e

C.2 M.97 Y.4 K.0


R.250 G.181 B.18

HEX. #fab512

C.0 M.33 Y.100 K.0


R.253 G.126 B.8

HEX. #fd7e08

C.0 M.60 Y.93 K.0


R.0 G.27 B.76

HEX. #001b4c

C.89 M.58 Y.19 K.35


R.217 G.219 B.235

HEX. #d9dbeb

C.18 M.13 Y.4 K.0


R.255 G.255 B.255

HEX. #ffffff

C.0 M.0 Y.0 K.0

Tradeshow Booth Examples

Main brand

High level brand messaging and brand first graphics.

Data Integrity Suite

Precisely Data Integrity Suite messaging and graphics.

Smaller, niche Tradeshows

High level messaging with optional audience specific bullets and graphics.

Large booth example

Mixed main brand and Data Integrity Suite

Large booth example

Data Integrity Suite

Pull Up Banner Examples

Brand messaging

High level brand messaging and brand first graphics.

Data Integrity Suite

Precisely Data Integrity Suite messaging and graphics.

Audience messaging

High level messaging with optional audience specific bullets and graphics.

Printed Material Examples

Data Integrity Suite

Trifold layout

Click to enlarge

Data Integrity Suite

One page layout, front and back

Click to enlarge

Data Integrity Suite

One page layout

Click to enlarge

Social Media Video Examples

These should be simple, short (less than 30-45 seconds), and have minimal text.