
Elevating Customer Experiences:
The Rise of Personalization

Personalization has been a key goal for consumer-focused companies for many years. But achieving effective personalization is becoming more challenging as consumers demand more and expect more. Here is what you need to know about the challenges and opportunities involved in delivering highly personalized experiences in today’s digitized, multi-channel marketplace.


Personalization is Critical for Customer Experience (CX) Success


of consumers say they will become repeat buyers after a personalized experience.1

Nearly 69%

of business leaders are increasing their investment in personalization despite challenging economic headwinds.2

Nearly 40%

of businesses say that adding digital channels is their most effective means of improving customer experience.3

Top Complaints from Customers4

  1. Lack of Human Interaction
  2. Non-Personalized or irrelevant communications
  3. Limited Channel Options
  4. Repeating Information multiple times across different channels

Less than 40% of Gen Z consumers reported that they were satisfied with quality of their providers’ digital communications.5

Personalization is a Huge Win-Win for Customers AND businesses

The most valued traits of brand communication with customers:


The ability to escalate to a live person4



Personalized communication based on previous interactions4



The ability to digitally self-serve Communication based on current context4



The ability to select engagement channels I want4


Successful personalization programs yield impressive business results:


Higher customer satisfaction rates are achieved through successful personalization programs7



Boost in sales conversion rates7



Increase in employee engagement7



of customers are willing to spend more when companies provide personalized customer services8


What does successful personalization look like?

A Precisely customer in the Insurance Industry that delivered personalized interactive videos prior to property insurance renewals found that:

  • 78% of customers watched the entire video
  • 89% gave a “thumbs up” response to the video experience
  • 16% more customers who viewed the video renewed, compared to customers who did not view a video8

What’s Trending and What’s Next for Personalized CX

What’s Trending


1. Personalized Interactive Video

Personalized interactive video changes the game, using technology that keeps your customers engaged and watching.


2. Chatbot to Live Takeover

Monitor conversations and seamlessly escalate more complex queries to the appropriate live agent.10


3. Omnichannel CX

Companies looking to retain customers and sell more products must deliver a personalized, omnichannel experience.11


4. Customer Self Service

Empower your customers with the ability to quickly and effortlessly solve their own issues with self-service options.9

What’s Next


Artificial Intelligence

In a recent survey by Analyst firm Everest Group, over half (55%) of customer experience leaders plan to invest $1 million or more in AI in the next 12-18 months, with 16% expecting to spend over $10 million.12


Ways that Artificial Intelligence is advancing Customer Experience include:

  • Chatbots/ Virtual Assistants
  • Natural language processing (NLP) for SMS Text
  • Interactive Voice
  • Language translation and localization
  • Predictive Personalization
  • Integrated, cross-channel CX data analytics


Personalized, Contextual help delivered via chat or video

Contextual help is powerful because even before it is launched it:

  • Knows what your customer just read
  • Knows the most asked questions about what they read
  • Has access to the most effective answer to each of these questions
  • Can personalize these answers on the fly using customer data
  • And can access recent interaction data to maximize the relevance of each chat or video experience13


Sentiment Analysis

Sentiment analysis tools allow businesses to scale up and accelerate the process of uncovering customer emotions in unstructured textual data such as:

  • Online product feedback
  • Emails
  • Chatbot Transcripts
  • Surveys
  • Call Center Contact records

Learn more today

Precisely’s EngageOne™ Solutions can help you create personalized communications that drive customer engagement and loyalty.