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Love your data

Philadelphia, October 8

Join us in Philly for Trust ’24 Live!

Get AI-ready in Philly:
brotherly love meets data love

Your data is meant to be AI-ready – so it’s time to embrace data integrity for results you’ll love.

Join us for this special Trust ’24 event at LeBow College of Business in Philly on October 8! Don’t miss the chance to connect with industry experts and gain the skills and actionable insights you need to excel in the AI-driven future.

Featured Keynote

Futurist Zack Kass

Former Head of GTM at OpenAI

Zack has over a decade in AI leadership and left his role at OpenAI to advise giants like Coca-Cola, Boeing, and the White House on AI strategy. Amid a surge of new AI experts, he offers experience and pragmatic insights for major organizations looking to build a brighter future with AI.

Trust ’24 Philly Agenda

Morning Schedule

Keynote Presentations
9:00am – 12:30pm ET
  • 2025 Outlook for Data and AI
  • Panel Discussion
    Data & AI Trends
  • Real-World Success Stories
  • 2024 Data Integrity Awards
  • Innovations in Data Integrity
  • Headline keynote
    Zack Kass, Futurist and Former Head of GTM at OpenAI
12:30pm – 1:30pm ET Networking Lunch

Afternoon Schedule

Breakout Sessions
1:30pm –
4:30pm ET
  • Trusted Data, Trusted AI: Crucial Considerations for AI-Ready Data
  • Still Haven’t Found What You’re Looking For: Increase Data Accessibility with Data Mesh and Data Fabric
  • Bad Addresses are Expensive: How to Overcome Poor Quality Addresses and Improve Business Outcomes
  • Automation, Data Integrity, and SAP®: Learn to Love the Data in your ERP System
  • Streamlining SAP® Master Data Processes with Automation: Real-World Success Stories
  • The Future of SAP® Process Automation: AI, APIs and Cloud Modernization
4:30pm – 6:00pm ET Reception
6:30pm – 8:30pm ET VIP Dinner

Here’s what to expect:

Expert speakers

Hear from Futurist Zack Kass and other industry leaders about AI readiness, innovative data practices, and the latest data integrity trends.

Valuable Insights

Get inspired by real-world successes from your peers – and find out how to tackle data challenges and write your own data love story.

Exclusive Research

Be among the first to explore our data integrity trends survey results, published in partnership with LeBow College of Business.


Connect with professionals and emerging talent to share experiences and expand your network.

Even more to love:

Join us virtually for the
Trust ’24 Global Data Integrity Summit

Online | October 15 & 16

Get even more great content to help write your data love story at our two-day Trust ’24 Virtual Global Summit.

Join us live in Philly!

Discover how your data is meant to be loved, in-person.

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